After the success of my GNO this past February, the Shakopee Downtown Partnership put their heads together to put on a downtown wide Ladies Night and asked me to help on the committee. No one believed me that we would totally have no problem getting 250 ladies to participate, and it SOLD OUT in TWO DAYS!!
It was an incredible activity to witness! I am SO proud to say I was a part of putting this amazing event on for the ladies of Shakopee!! I hope you all had a great time! And a shout out to our wonderful committee: Lauri Glenn of the STDP, Molly Murillo of Betti Lu's, Jean Breeggemann of Ballard-Sunder Funeral Homes, Kim Baker of Brad Billing's State Farm, Kathy Klehr of Scott County Historical Society, and Crystal Quirring of Pearson Florist. You ladies ROCKED the most!!!
The punch was ready....
My boys were ready....
State Representative Mike Beard greeted the ladies at the end of the night at Turtles 1890 Social Centre.
A fashio show by Betti Lu's.
The Shakopee Fire Department was on hand to help escort the models on and off the stage (thanks to Fire Marshal Tom Pitschneider)
The gorgeous diamond necklace for the grand prize!!
Lauri drawing the winning ticket!!
Congratulations to Pam, the grand prize winner!!! (tom was so kind to put it on her!!)
All of the amazing prizes donated by the participating businesses!!!
Lauri thanking all of the ladies at the end of the night and telling them the shuttle back to their cars was waiting outside for them!