About Me

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Shakopee, MN, United States
This blog is designed for my fellow photograhers. If you are interested in my consumer blog, >click here

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

I'm Published!

It's official! August's issue of Studio Photography and Design hit the mailboxes yesterday and MY article is published!!! I was contacted a few months back about using my article in their upcoming issue, but didn't want to actually say anything until it was "official". After my exhausting 9 hours in the car and getting home at 9 p.m. from Fargo, I received an email from my friend Heather Kallhoff with the subject line "Congratulations on your article"! She told me it was a full page article and I was flying high! I was so bummed that I hadn't been around to get the mail yesterday and had to patiently wait today until the mail came!!! I have been bouncing off the walls I am SO excited!!! You can read the entire article by CLICKING HERE, it is the third article down. Today I have been receiving phone calls from friends and complete strangers congratulating me on my article! THANK YOU to all who took the time to read it and for all your kind words!!!
I have a shout-out to Krish Kiefer, Lauri Glenn, Nichelle and Jes for helping me with my GNO and again to Krish and Mark Kiefer, David Grupa, and David Jones. If it weren't for you guys I wouldn't be where I am at right now in my career!!! LOVE YA!!!

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